Mertens Consulting, LLC

Airport Lounges
The Mertens team independently conceived of, raised capital for, launched, grew and exited the first standalone airport lounge brand in the U.S and went on to lead other airport lounge brands on two continents. We know the airport lounge market and its diverse set of participants and their motivations and capabilities, because as much as anyone, we created the independent lounge market in the U.S.

Airport Food & Beverage
The Mertens team has built high-performing airport kitchens of less than100sqft. We understand the synergies that are generated among an on-site eco-system of food production consolidation, perfect-preservation, distribution and unit-level finishing systems. Learn from us and turn cost-center real estate into lucrative revenue-generating real estate while de-levering labor needs and increasing product quality & consistency.

The BOH in a Post-Covid World
The Mertens team is successfully automating fine dining in restaurants we own and operate. De-risk your entire BOH from labor and training challenges, and still produce the most consistent food-product you've ever generated. Learn from us as we trailblaze a new path for differentiated food service offerings.